Monday, March 22


Bouncing back from a generally energy-less past week, I feel great today. And the secret? Because after much reflection on why I felt so miserable last week, I realised that actually it’s not because I don’t have enough friends, love or possessions, it’s because I haven’t been giving. And because I haven’t been giving, I haven’t received. And I wasn’t doing anything that contributed to my self-worth, rather, by reacting to circumstances negatively, it resulted in accumulative negative thoughts that just made me feel downright lousy.

This week it’s different. I realize, I’ve got my life to live, I’ve got my life to give! I gotta start giving, not to expect to receive. Friendship, warmth, love, concern.. all these, I’ve been quite selfish with lately. As a result, I became cold and bitter. Dramatic eh?

But it’s a true account of what can happen even within a short span of one week!

Anyways,... read this morning that "If you try to find intimacy with another person before achieving a sense of identity on your own, all your relationships become an attempt to complete yourself." (Drs Les & Leslie) How true..

Well other misc updates are that I'm still doing Pauline's brochure.. interesting... though coz we're both so busy, it's taking quite long. Went shopping yesterday with Mum at Suntec. It was fantastic, coz I haven't shopped so much in so long! Then, well, chatted with KZ today.. after so long! Miss all my JC friends...

I still remember my violin performance at the NTU Hall 2 productions last weekend (13/14th March), where I played violin with Jiamin (flutist). It was so fun! A coincidence? Could say that, but IF there's no such thing as a coincidence, then I'll just say "WoAH! Praise God!" coz He makes opportunities that really do cheer us up too!

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