Tuesday, November 27

Feeling upbeat

Just went for a wonderful "Choice Weekend". That is a retreat that will really help you to open up, trust people, build your relationships better.. etc. I have been touched in my mind, and heart through this retreat.

In fact, I really believe it's a great complement to the Life/Youth in the Spirit Seminar Camps which give you a 'spiritual' boost,.. this is like a soul-boost. haha... the soul is the mind, our thoughts, and our heart - our feelings. The Choice weekend helps us see through these areas, breaks down walls, and helps us to open up to realise what is important in our life!

So i'm pretty upbeat - despite an unimaginably busy week ahead... with commitments at OLPS Youth, YAM, OLPS Ensemble, String Quartet GIG, YISS prep day all in one week..

This excerpt from Os Hillman touches me this week.. :

When the road is dark and tough, God will guide and protect you. When you feel overwhelmed with loneliness, the Lord is close beside you. When your heart is asking hard questions and you feel beaten down, God will sustain you. We don’t need to live in fear, for God is always with you. He is willing to comfort and protect you. He guides you through every mountain and valley of life. He is your true Leader/Shepherd. And the more you trust him as Lord, the more you will experience the wonder of having a Shepherd."

"The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not be in want..."

Wednesday, November 14

The Angel Standing in the Sun - William Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner
1775-1851"The Angel Standing in the Sun" exhibited 1846

Bequeathed by the artist 1856.

This late painting shows the Archangel Michael appearing on the Day of Judgement with his flaming sword. In the foreground are Old Testament scenes of murder and betrayal: Adam and Eve weeps over the body of Abel (left), and Judith stands over the headless body of Holofernes (right).

Turner’s pessimistic picture seems to show death is everywhere in this fallen world. It may also reflect his concern that his own life and art would be judged. He got his revenge on his critics by showing the painting with lines describing ‘the feast of vultures when the day is done.’

(From the display caption September 2002)

Version on the Net (colouring may not be exact as well):

My rendition -- according to the book print... :

Jeesh.. this was difficult.. There also seems to be a weird "white" line flowing left of the angel. I didn't have that intention though! :)

Anyway, sigh... Art class on hold for now. Too busy!!

Sunday, November 11

Do we walk by faith or by feelings?

When we walk by feelings, we are tempted to look inward and pity ourselves. We will want human affection. We will need many more things in life. We need people to boost us up, we will need to be consoled and our mood depends on what we feel for that day.

Yes, no man is an Island. We can't live without those things.

But we can also live by the Prayer of St. Francis, in a true spirit of Giving.

How? That means, rather than to seek to be loved, we will love. Rather than seeking to be encouraged, we will encourage others...

It means to stop thinking of the "lack", and stop wanting things for ourselves, or longing for the things we don't have. But to begin thinking of those less fortunate. To give to them.

It means... "Jesus is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want."

To have faith then, means to believe that for all we do, we will receive our reward finally, at the end. And not to seek it NOW. The prize. The Goal. The crown of eternal life with Jesus.

With this mindset, and through faith, we can then say, that we can live out our calling to be a true witness for Christ.

Therefore, Faith is a breastplate that helps us win our spiritual battles!

We need Faith indeed!

Thursday, November 1

Refreshed Rantings...

It seems that the year has been so long... so many things have happened this year, and a few more things to go before the year wraps up. what can I say of this year? At the beginning of the year, I gave myself my resolution once again -- Focus and Future. Bear in mind, this came about through prayer. Focus on jESUS... AND to have Faith in the future.

Somehow, I feel that the year's taking its full cycle.. closing in. Through various incidents and little events this year, I am no longer cynical or as fearful as I had been. I recently find myself feeling more and more keen and looking forward to a new chapter in life. The future. I hope I have been letting go of the past, and bucking up in my life... to pursue the things I want in life, to pursue the Life that God has intended for me!

Somehow, I am positive inside, that the answer is to Focus on Jesus. Through many experiences in this year, I've found that each time I lose that focus on Jesus, when the focus turns inwards onto myself and my lack, or when it turns to envying others, or anything BUT God, i find that I am less peaceful, less stable, less joyful.

SO what is it for the future? Once again, it is the challenge for me to continue walking in the light. Jesus is my one focus in my life, and i can be bold (or foolish) enough to say that without this focus, nothing else matters. I could be everything or have everything in life, but without Jesus, I am still lacking the only thing that matters. (quotes steven curtis chapman)..

So now, I hear Steven Curtis Chapman has a new CD coming up. Christmas present@!?!

And well.. i look forward to Hong Kong tmrw!!!

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