Tuesday, May 16

ANd i'm still in Bali

And the bali thing has not worn off yet... not that i really seen or toured bali.. it's more of the music, the playing, the songs, the atmosphere.. the feeling of nostalgia,.. it's a great escapade. But what triggers off these strong feelings? is something I don't understand. Why is it hard to adjust simply to a world and another? And why do i experience feelings like these? Perhaps it's the whole thing about escaping reality. We tend to escape and flee when reality seems not so pleasant. But does it mean i'm weak in any way? People escape in many ways. What makes mine any less? the pining and longing to be elsewhere, some tropical getaway, some faraway place. In fact that's where dreams arise. That's where stories build.

And i ask the Lord why feelings of Joy seem so fleeting. And I am comforted by this verse "He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him" (Ps. 126:6). Pain can become a source of joy if we take the first step by planting seed. There is a harvest that will come if we sow in the midst of tears. Perhaps, I need to sow. Give, and i'll receive.

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