Thursday, July 19

La Vie En Rose

Thanks Mar for the little treat! Wow this was fantastic. Today Marlene offered me an offer I couldn't resist - free tix to watch La Vie En Rose - as she was doing another movie review.

(mini spoilers ahead.. don't read if you wanna watch without knowing anything!)

The movie was fabulous. Told marlene, yup, give it a 4.5 / 5 rating! I dunno what people would think but heck.. the whole story, her life, was so sad!!! Now although I do like sad and melancholic things at times.. this is a movie that made me tear as I was walking home after the whole bus ride.. and thinking of the movie again! Maybe i was still caught up in it after that long...

The soundtrack was haunting. After all, it's about the songs - Edith Piaf lived to sing. In an interview with a journalist, she said, her advice to a child, a woman, a mother, would be "love". And it struck me that yes, that is all we ever want. That is all we ever really need in life - LOVE!

And when we are sad - it's because there is not enough. When we are angry, there is not enough. When we worry, it's coz there's simply not enough love to go around!!!

What really touched me was the passage of her life, from being a young little girl, lost, sickly and a "nobody's" child, to losing her best friend "Titine" and then to a nervous young lady at her first steps of her career, to a confident young woman who found success, love and life... and to a boisterous middle aged woman who knew what she wanted and would never settle for anything less, and then the loss of hope due to illness, death, loss, with then a renewed struggle to live on.. and finally the succumbing to the final destination.

It's really my favourite topic - LIFE. What is life? What do we make of life? Why do we live? Why are we here? only God really knows the answer.

And true to any french movie, the flow is not linear. We jump back and forth between present day (Edith in her old sickly age -- at only 44?) and her young days. Though it's a bit jumpy, it provided an interesting mix of little stories that made up the whole picture of her life.

But at the end, it's just too sad... poignant is the word.

But one lesson that we can learn - to be passionate and live life for what it is. Soar, Crash.. whatever. But always come back up again and live with no regrets!

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