Sunday, September 16

2 Elaines

There are 2 elaines in my life who touch me. Amazingly so... one, by her faith in prayer, and now she's moving on into her new job, a blessing, not a christian but a believer. That is what I call, pure, childlike faith. I see in her, a mighty woman who has been through her fair share of suffering, disunity, and trials, but that ahead of her will be a new life of blessings with God's hand guiding her. I pray she finds her peace and greater conviction in God.

The other elaine, is courageous, a leader in her own. She is full of drive, ambition, yet also zest for humanity and most of all, God and God's people. She is also a lady of strong faith in God, who persists in the face of trials and fire. She is growing stronger with each new experience and each new step in life. I see her as a strong woman!

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and in his good time he will honor you.
1 Peter 5:6

Watch for God's blessings--in God's timing.

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