Saturday, September 19

Ministry is being "Christ" Everywhere.

Today i woke up fresh at 8am, with a thought about Ministry. Truly, i think about it every day and night.

What is "ministry"? and why am I called to Ministry?

It's just like "ministry" of sound, food, etc... this is like a ministry of my faith, my religion, my God.

It's not even something lofty or abstract.

It can simply be translated to "service"... or as our faith calls it --- "Love".

Ministry, is like that ICCRS conference I attended in June this year -- it is "Love in Action".

Everything we do unto another, we do unto God.

SO even being a loving person in the office, when people needs your listening ear and smiling face for comfort... is "ministry".

Even going out with friends (maybe non-christian?) and doing things for them like organising the next outing could be "ministry".

Even playing music with a group of buddies could be "ministry".

SO ministry is not just in church, on a Sunday, or in our youth group during that 2-3 hours of meeting when we see each other. It is everywhere.

Ministry is for life.

It is being Christlike, 24/7.

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