Tuesday, September 8

Dark Night of the Soul

Recently I started reading a teeny bit of “Dark night of the soul” by St. John of the Cross. Wow this is totally cheem and deep.

It talks about a time in our spiritual walk where we go so much deeper with the lord that we don’t’ even rejoice in “feeling good” because of the things we do – rather, we rejoice that we are not able to feel anything, because it means we do the good we do not to rejoice in the feeling of it, rather it is a true love for God! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Night_of_the_Soul

It’s like, as I read it, my heart is trembling… ahahaha (ironic, coz you're not supposed to find joy in the senses during this "Dark" period)…

Anyway, it's said in the text that God leads into the Dark Night those whom He desires to purify from all these imperfections so that He may bring them farther onward.

It explains the 7 cardinal sins in deeper terms. Not just gluttony of “food” but “spiritual gluttony”. Not just “Pride” in worldly achievements, but “Spiritual Pride” in our service… Spiritual irritations.. Spiritual Luxury… Etc. This really explains why sometimes, I got angry with others who were previously not “keeping up with my pace or my enthusiasm for God” – Actually, in reality, it could be just Spiritual Pride or vanity..???!!

This also explains why some people who satisfied with their “service” and the things they do for others, develop spiritual pride – and want to hear only praise and good things. If their superiors did not approve of it --- they leave…

I guess, I’m only on the chapter of “pride”. But wow… this really makes you feel like nothing at all! I am just merely a “beginner”…. !

Can it be that after 10 years of Charismatic Renewal experiences, that I am only but a beginner.

And true enough, I do think so after reading even but 3 chapters of this text.

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