Wakeboarding & other happenings!
Last Sunday zhiwei shiwan jos and I went to wakeboard. First experience for Jos and I. It was fun and as zhiwei says, the aftermath is truly HORRENDOUS. A Superduper muscle ache man... muscles in places that you never knew existed.
Glad that i've finally went wakeboarding after procrastinating for like some 5 years? Well, THAT is certainly something to rant about! haha
Standing, then falling.. haha..
And now for Other happenings this week and A round of randoms:
- Met pauline - Glad you're back in HK safe & sound!
- Ruby... I'm really glad to see you once again too!
- Colleen... so glad you passed. So happy.
- William... Maybe it will be a blessing in disguise?
- YAM -- I say I panic because of "things" which are happening, but at the same time, I realise how much I will miss the ministry if I ever stop one day. I don't know... this Saturday alone, missing YAM, i realise that I miss playing the guitar, the worship songs, the everything. I realise, it is probably, missing time with God.
- Though, I still feel sad that many efforts seem useless, pointless.
- I wonder if I will ever do mission in Japan one day with the Jap language I am learning.
- I feel safe in blogger. Facebook is getting too populated and with people who don't really bother or know or want to know me --- and they are still on my friends' list.
- I wonder if I'll get married. I think i am scared of relationships, commitment, and generally, have a lower impression of myself than I should have.
- I realise that in order to find Peace, one needs to find a place of quiet, a short time even, to reflect and pray and then choose the path of action that results in the most joy to others. I decided just today, in the cab home, that I would spend tomorrow night with my mum, instead of myself, friends or so forth. And I felt most joyful.
- I thank God that He is always here.
- I sometimes wish I would be able to have more time, to do my paper toling... but when I DO have time, I watch my anime instead. What a mess.
- I also am not succeeding in reading my book "Wolf Totem". It's either boring, or I really sux at reading. I can't get past Chapter 2.
- Wedding dinners stress me. I am stressing over what will I do, wear, or appear or whom i will sit with, at this Sat's wedding of an old NTU course-mate.
- And I realise I don't have my SD Card!!!
- I must remember to make it to Mass this Sunday. It is already daunting enough now - foresee so many ways I could miss it once again.
Ok... TILL Next! Matta ne!
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