Wednesday, July 22

I just don't understand

Why Do People Judge Others?

I quote from an excerpt from an article online: "Sometimes people are quick to judge or form an opinion about others when they do not really know them or their motives. Everyone cannot be truly happy and fulfilled when they judge, criticize, or hate people. When people work on bettering themselves they can be encouraged to learn from others and the mistakes they make. When people spend less time judging others, trying to fix them, or change them then they can spend more time on improving themselves and who they are. People have plenty of work to do on themselves, if they want to be their best."

What is best, to me, is honest teamwork. No gossip. We can be unhappy with each other, but we can talk it out like normal people. But no gossip. No backbiting. No funny stories going around.

I am amazed at how narrowminded people can be. Perhaps it's my turn to judge now, but it's hard not to. Rest assured, I will keep an open mind and continue to bear in mind my christian principles, that we do not judge, as we will be judged one day before God.

God, who is love and forgiveness, would want me to forgive my enemy indeed.

But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
(Matthew 5:44,45)

It is a fact that poor teamwork costs us these, and these I cannot deny:
- Loss of market position;
- Inability to respond to changing customer needs;
- Failure to identify new market opportunities;
- Lack of focus in corporate training or cross functional decision making;
- Increased time required for management intervention on issues related to process and staff performance, not outcomes; and
- Poor responsiveness and time inefficiencies.

The cost to customers impacted by poor teamwork will be affected by the:

Poor service offered to customers;
Company image;
Limited diversity of products and services offered;
Limited customer access to skilled service staff;
Frequency of customer use;
Climate and culture of the organisation;
Existing competence (knowledge, skills and attitudes) of staff and management; and finally
Ability for staff to respond to customers with special or changing needs.

Staff dissatisfaction will translate into costs where it causes:

High staff turnover and/ or absenteeism;
Lack of stability in personal and work relationships;
Conflict in a team or the workplace;
An inability to identify the customer or 'own' outcomes produced by the team;
Lack of consistency in work standards; and
Lack of personal development.


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