Wednesday, August 5

St. Therese of Liseux

Read the life of this wonderful saint here: St. Therese of Liseux. She was only 24 yrs old when she died. But she was so diligent in her life of love and service that she was canonised a saint after. Amazing.

Sam’s thoughts on St. Therese of Liseux:
Reading St. Therese’s account touched me through the simplicity of her life and goals. When I look at myself, I realize that I too, can learn a lot from her life and values.

For example, I have at many times in the past been demoralized while doing ministry work. I find myself doing the little things, but oftentime, wonder whether they have any purpose or meaning at all. Yet, I feel called to do it. Therefore, I find consolation in St. Therese’s life, as she was a young woman who went about her little things, without complaint at all. Instead, she used it to improve her character and spirituality with God. The Joy of the Lord is your strength --- I am reminded of this verse once again (in Nehemiah 8:10)

I am also inspired that St. Therese had experienced what we commonly hear about “the dryness in prayer”. I don’t even know if my “dry spells” are enough to be called that. Instead of giving up, she persevered even though it meant sleeping during prayer. Such discipline, I have yet to develop!

St. Therese once pondered: Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show my love? ---- I sometimes have the same kind of thought. I want to “do” things… though I do not actually like physical work (ironically). Well, St. Therese was not one to give up. Her solution was to prove her love through little sacrifices, every glance and word, and through doing the least of actions for love. This inspires me to more kind, gentle, loving and joyful, 24/7 Not just because of the circumstances around me. Each minute, is a sacrifice of love. It inspires me to be loving and cheerful at all times, in the workplace, at home, on the road, everywhere.

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