Wednesday, February 24

My Trials

God rewards faithful obedience. It often requires patience, suffering, and perseverance. Be of good cheer; He will reward you if you faint not.

Alas... another quote (os hillman) that pokes my heart. Over the past week, I've been so tempted to give up, stop hoping, be of 'bad' cheer and feel faint.

Sigh... God always wants us to walk on water... to walk against the storm/tide.. to trust in HIM and not ourselves... it's not always easy... I feel so tired, so ready to give up.. and yet i'm drudging along, and feeling like I must do this because I promised and I don't want to let myself down...

So what next? I must perservere. Do the slides tonight, then check on the food, then check on the icebreaker, then check on the programme and then send another reminder nearing to Saturday... then prepare myself, go down early, maintain my emotional composition as I can't be all outta sorts... and go down with a cheer...

Despite my so-called cynical tone... I know that "faithful obedience" and patience produces the fruits that I so long to see. I shall really put my best foot out... dun give up yet, glory is just around the corner!

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