Saturday, September 24

A quote from a friend

A friend wrote on his blog recently (in black)...

"Finally bought a book which I long wanted to buy since it was published - Michael C. 's State of Fear. I love standing on the fine line between physical-reality and virtual-reality ( science fRiction, I would call it)."

(my thoughts) Yez.. agreed.. virtual reality.. a kind of place where one is able to escape into.. and lose touch with actual physical reality. I love it there too.. it's a heavenly place, yet also a dangerous place.. the ironies are complex. No wonder they say when the TV was invented, it was called the Windows to Hell, and then Bill Gates subsequently called his invention - Windows. Harh!

"Life is such an illusion, what's seems real isnt and what's isnt is acutally real.

I think so too.. Think the Matrix..

"Just when you think that you are confortable with who you are, where you are and what you are doing, a rush of uneasiness will breeze through you."

Very true.. never get complacent!

"I dont believe in comfort, it's a mental denial. My tutor once said - Do not design when you are sitting comfortably..Design when you feel that you are not in a state of comfort. And the logic..well, not everything seems logical. "

No wonder the theory of creativity goes that creativity is only borne in the midst of Chaos. In the state of chaos, we are challenged to think, to solve, to move and act. Comfort then, does not help one bit. Why then are we all seeking comforts? A "comfortable" society is what we have today...

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