Thursday, August 25

Light and God, JWM Turner & Claude Lorrain!

Today at work, I am really free.. and praise God, I can at least "breathe". Hehehe!

Meanwhile, I was just reminiscing my holiday in London last month. Went to The National Gallery in Britain. It was the first time I'd been to a real national gallery with huge paintings and it was just awesome. My friend (Ruby) and I just didn't get enough, went there twice! And well, I am thinking back of this artist called JWM Turner. I was so inspired by his paintings, there. The interplay of light and colour. I love light and colour!

Check out his paintings here:

It brought me to think about God, as God is "light" and how even paintings can depict God! and well,.. not to mention, Turner was also influenced by this artist called Claude Lorrain,

who painted "Seaport with the Embarkation of Queen of Sheba" - an awesome painting. Just look at the intricate details! It reminded me again of God as Queen of Sheba is a character in the old Testament! heh!

The amazing properties of Light! And God.


At 8:21 PM, Blogger Izzy said...

Hey thanks for visiting my sight! I think that contemporary art is often an acquired taste. You either love it or you hate it! i have much respect for the old works though i am not empassioned by them as you are. However i do love the painting shown here by Turner - the colours and light are indeed striking. I would love to know more about singapore i am afraid i am very ignorant about that part of the world having spent most of my life and travels in europe only. I would ver much like to see other places though. Hope to speka some more. Love in christ Irisx

At 10:57 PM, Blogger cybeRanger said...

Have you read the book by Choo Thomas - "Heaven is so Real"?
Feel free to leave your comments at
my blog. Thanks.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

hi all, well haven't read the book by Thomas Choo but way to go,.. i will keep a lookout!

Iris..Singapore is kinda like a country with a culture of its own. Mixture of chinese, malay, indian, and western.. the English we speak as so much colloqials that we call it jokingly 'Singlish'. We speak with 'Lahs' and sometimes it's broken - for example.. 'Where you going?' instead of Where are you going?.. that's coz we're mainly chinese, and when you convert mandarin to english, that's the result. haha! The food here is glorious. So many varieties, and you can get them at any food court, food centre, and there are tonnes of them. It's a shopping place. We're quite westernised, so follow lots of western fashion, and tastes and entertainment. However the country is still young, so we're still growing in the cultured arts and stuff like that.. though our academic areas are quite focused, and people have developed a very competitive nature in order to 'succeed'. There are many people who desire to break out of the 'system' but to look at it positively, the country is very peaceful and naive even at times. Majority are not political and u hardly hear of protests coz perhaps, it is so 'dangerous' to do those.. aha..anyways.. come visit Singapore one day and you will see LAH! ;)


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