Monday, August 8


That I am living on the Grace of God each day. That this grace allows me to make mistakes and come back to Him without guilt. That I can be free from my emotional burdens, if I let go and Let God.

That I have to be stronger and know what I want, and what I don't want. That I have to make up my mind. That I have to not lean on the approval or opinions of others, but make my own.

That the joy of the Lord will only be upon me, when I yield to Him. When i yield my circumstances to Him, trust in Him, and let go. When I stop clinging on to self-pity, bitterness, and anger. When I forgive and trust Him, I will be joyous, and victorious.

That, it is not good to decide on something out of fear of losing out, or of not gaining approval.

That when God closes one door, he opens another door.

That, sometimes, we go through ups and downs, to show us things in a different light. Things cannot go smoothly all the time. Embrace your trials, for they make you stronger.

That, sometimes, bitterness and loneliness are some of the typical emotional hangups that really prevent a person from shining with the glory of God. Now then, do I want glory for God? or for someone to justify how bad or how upset I am feeling? I should choose Glory for God. So then, adjust my feelings accordingly.

That, all I have to do is talk it out. But can I? Sometimes, I can't even express the feelings inside of me. And so it means, I have to talk it out.. nevertheless, just find a way to talk it out.

That, it is useless finding things to occupy your time and make you feel better. The best is to go straight to God and trust in Him, not feel bitter and decide NOT to pray.

That, there is truly a rainbow after a storm. I've yet to see many more rainbows and storms ahead. But to be hopeful that God will make me into the person I wish to be, the person HE wishes me to be. That is a hope that is beautiful...

That He will never leave me nor forsake me. Hebrews 13:5


At 10:38 AM, Blogger cybeRanger said...

Amen! Your posting has reminded me of Romans 8:1.

At 2:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great Post!God Bless You.

At 3:04 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

Thank you all! Talk about Romans.. I spent the whole of National Day (9 Aug) listening to the message of "our Righteousness IN Christ" and that there is no condemnation for those in Christ..

It's just Romans. My Fav book.. Though, it was some time ago. Looks like its time to pick it up again ..waahaha!

Romans 16:19 says! Be excellent.. at what is Good.. be Innocent of Evil..


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