Saturday, August 20

I've grown!

Grown fatter? ahhh! ok that's besides the point.. I did put on 0.5kg in a month and it's a dire situation.. considering I was supposed to lose weight..

But all the work and catching up with friends just take priority in life right now.

I just thank God for each day, He opens my eyes to new ways, possibilities, ways I could behave, react and inspirations for new dreams. I just have to let go and place each day into HIS hands.

I just find the latest Hillsong - God He Reigns CD so good to listen to each morning. I wake up dreary and tired.. (coz of all my late nights).. but hearing that,..gets me jumping around in my room as I prepare for's such a rejuvenating start to the day.. the joy that flows through me lasts through the whole day, or at least acts as a reservoir for times when the clients I deal with at work give me a hard time or when I do something wrongly and feel lousy.

I thank God for having grown. Beyond and going further. I wanna go beyond myself. Yet I realise how limited I am. At the most very one time, I can be only doing 1 thing, yet I want to do so many things. I also realise therefore, that wanting to "live life to the fullest" can be a way that we glorify ourselves instead of God. But its great to realise this, for when we are able to see God in the correct perspective, then "living life to the fullest" is only part of the way we can glorify God.

So ultimately, it is where your focus is. Glorifying God? or NOT?



At 9:46 PM, Blogger cybeRanger said...

A great reminder... :)


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