Tuesday, October 4

Fascination with Light

What about Light?

Interesting stuff. If God is light, then it?s interesting how we measure space in light years!

And did you know that astronomers have discovered a 10th planet - which they have dubbed ?Xena? - and it appears to have a moon of its own, nicknamed "Gabrielle"! The Hubble Space Telescope will be turning its gaze on the pair in November/December, and should reveal even more details.

And read this: Scientists working to understand the nature of the Universe have developed some interesting theories that propose we have many more dimensions curled up inside the three we're comfortable with. A pair of researchers have done the math to calculate how the Universe could shape up after the Big Bang, and found that it favours three and seven dimensions. In a seven dimension Universe, gravity would diminish greatly with distance, and planets would have difficulty forming stable orbits around stars.

Man.. if God is real and true.. why not a 7D kind of universe? 3D is what we know feel, touch and see. And what about the spiritual plane of existence - our souls - heaven, hell, etc.. all these possibly could exist in another dimension. And I think it does! I don?t buy the theory that we all merge into ONE consciousness and then get reborn again or end up as the forces/energy of the cosmos/nature.. it doesn?t explain our uniqueness, and makes living on earth seem the epitome. But look at all the disasters on Earth. To me living on earth isn?t something really that great. I wanna see a greater purpose for our lives on earth..and the God theory makes more sense. In other words the Christian faith is not just blind faith, you actually have sense and logic to it. Perhaps this is coming from a person ?born? into the faith so I have no means of seeing from another perspective. Countless times however, I?ve tried to position my thoughts from someone who doesn?t believe in God. True.. I CAN understand how they think, but then, I also understand why it?s hard to believe. It truly is hard. Only God can lift that veil from our eyes and give us spiritual insight.      

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