Monday, March 13

We are not condemned if we are For Christ

Once again, the work week starts. It's pretty pleasant, but alongside, I get various feelings of drudgery, excitement, belonging, hope, dread, worry...

Then I am reminded.. to walk by faith and not by sight. Not by feelings. 2 Corinthians 5:7.

Today a colleague asked me why Christians have to tithe 10% of what we earn and I could not answer. Struck in between the guilt of being 'not sufficiently equipped about my faith', I feel the constant condemnation that shouts at me, saying I'm doing all these so called 'godly' work for nothing... that I'm ultimately a hypocrite.. that ultimately, I preach but I don't do what I preach.. this lent I haven't really given up anything at all. Not staying away from chocos and don't plan to. So well.. what about this feeling of condemnation? Is it from God or the devil?

That's what puts me in a dilemma at times. Discerning the true vs. the false spirits around me and in me.

Which makes me realise I need the Holy Spirit so much more.

And I wonder why people don't ever see that they too, do need the Holy Spirit.

We ALL need the Holy Spirit. As a matter of fact.

Why? We need to understand Spiritual warfare:
Because we are in a world which is in a spiritual battle? where we have the 'authority' to act as God's soldiers of peace, love and bring forth His commandments & kingdom

OR.. sit on the fence and watch people win, die, starve & struggle.

And I feel less of a 'soldier' once again today having realised that I don't quite know how to explain such a fact... should I blame the catholic church for not really teaching us? I?d say we give 10% because the bible says so. Then the person asks, then why does God say that? Why does he have to demand that? It's quite unreasonable. Think about a poor person, 10% is quite a lot...


But instead of feeling condemned, (I remember -- No condemnation can separate us from the Love of our Father... Romans 8:1), I should feel determined and press on to seek the answers.. for God also said... in 2 Peter 1, to make every effort to add on to what we are lacking.. and in another verse elsewhere, if we are lacking in anything, pray and God will give it to us if we ask in His Name. Now then, I ask for knowledge Lord. That I might be a fruitful witness not a barren one..

More on Romans 8:1

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