Wednesday, December 6

SCI Minstrels at the Launch of the new school name

Last night was the launch of SCI's new name, the "Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information".

It was really fun for (R - L) Elaine, myself, Prof Chris & Prof Chu Keong.. the time spent learning new songs and harmonising together was worth every minute of it. And so now we are the SCI minstrels...It's a funny nickname we called ourselves but it also makes a very likely name for the future!

The event was large, corporate. I won't say it had a particular theme such as classical/modern.... There was really serious classical music from us and the NTU Band, and then the laser display was electronic sounding. In between, light jazz tunes were played. And at the end was a teeny boppy cheerleading display by NTU's cheerleading team - apparently the best in Singapore.

But theme? none.

I felt it could have been classier.

But classy? maybe just Corporate.

Certainly it was the wrong place to play classical music. What's more, our pieces were quite serious. NTU Band's one took it one step further by playing serious BACH music.. Gosh, i wonder if the audience listened at all.

I think they did. But I don't really care...

My major peeve... the event didn't quite make any highlight of Prof Chris or Chu Keong as SCI professors playing at this event. I feel it was truly meaningful being there because we were SCI people - Prof Chris / Chu Keong are SCI Professors while Elaine and I are SCI Alumni.

-- If we are all SCI alumni/faculty members, all the more there should be a special mention because we were doing this simply for goodwill. And wasn't it so meaningful?

I guess, MY notion of goodwill is truly being tested here.

Ah well.... am I just being petty?

But the fact is that we get relegated to being a NTU student/alumnus/faculty... and for the undiscerning public eye, we are simply one same big music group playing during the dinner with NTU Band. Not that I don't want to be associated with them.. but that I wished at least organisers would have made it even more meaningful.

It's not as if we volunteered to play just to busk at one corner...

And well, it's not so much of me being mentioned - but rather, prof Chris' efforts should have been highlighted. (He did take a lot of effort to choose and scout for scores!)

Still, he took it all with a smile at the end of the day.... He's really too nice :) Makes it hard to get angry at all... :)

So then, this was the effort of 1 almost full day rehearsal, and about some 3 to 5 practices or so before this... quite some effort for NO pay and NO mention.

Maybe this is the price for our resume that says --- "played at Istana"!

Anyway, here's more pics:

Welcoming President S R Nathan, guest of honour:

Official Launch of Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information:

Diana Ser is host for the night..

And lastly, for all the peeves, (yes it also poured at the start of the event and I drenched my shoes).... I did have fun after all. :) Of course! Where music is concerned... it's pretty exciting to be at the launch itself - regardless of my critical comments ( i had more but enough for now!)

Cheers! (and it's back to work after this well spent 2-day break... )

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