Friday, August 24

Everything in life

To add on from yesterday’s depressing post, this morning is a bit brighter.

Well, it’s precisely the feeling of not being able to “see” God that we feel the distance, or that we wonder about Life’s purpose and meaning.

That’s why this skit makes so much sense to me. When I watched it I almost wanted to cry out.

Though people might think that my life is great, smooth, no worries, which is true in one way, no serious problems, mishaps, or financial woes yet…

But these are things in our lives, which ALSO come in between us and GOD. Even though we may be living ‘positively’ in the eyes of the world, my biggest question to myself, my family, my friends, is it really?

How slow are we, how dull are our minds at times. I’ve come to a new conclusion that was simply “throbbing” in my head this morning upon waking…. – that no matter whether we fill our lives or minds with positive or negative things, there is still an emptiness in my heart that longs for God alone. That silent longing for more, for love, for friendship, for security.. etc… comes from God alone.

SO I also ask… Does living positively simply reflect God in us, or lead us to God? Maybe it reflects a disciplined life and a positive attitude. But it doesn’t quite reflect God I think… What reflects God is love.

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