Monday, January 19

What is Life?

On Sunday I was at the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) church at Hougang, and heard a very nice homily by Fr. Luke. It's been such a long time since i've heard his sermons. He made a very sensible, logical approach on how we need to ask ourselves or reflect on the greater things of life, going beyond superficial things. He also gave a few other insights to the passage on Samual and Eli... so forth,... and though i can't remember much of it now, it was really enjoyable to hear. Made so much sense!

I recall that this whole day, i was very upset. Moody. I don't know why. No reason. That's the worst thing. I have not changed. I am still a head person and like people always say -- the head is furthest from the heart -- and so when I feel upset for some reason, I don't seem to know or able to put a finger on "why"? Sigh. It's really perplexing. I can think of a few reasons. Maybe coz we cancelled our family dinner tonight because i would have been in Hougang area and it would have been hard to return back to the East to meet my parents before going out for dinner. We initially planned to go to Peranakan Kitchen i think, and i was pretty keen on having peranakan food, since the Little Nonya ended and also since we are baba-nonya and yet seldom eat peranakan food. So i was disappointed. Yet, i had to go out to attend the SACCRE (Singapore Archdiocese Catholic Charismatic Renewal) Elections meeting.

Next, at the meeting, I suddenly felt a sharp sense of loneliness. I really really hate this feeling. It's the feeling from long ago... from many areas. Like... when i was a kid, I would have a lonely feeling and I would just feel sad. (i remember a picture dad took of me sitting with my bunny and having a sad face watching my sister play with the toys. It was 'that' feeling). It was that 'feeling left out' feeling. Not to mention, many people were 'new' faces, or rather, I was a bit out of touch with the SACCRE members, so i went there more like a spectator. Not to mention, i slept most of the programme away!

But the great thing is that Sury was elected as parish head for SACCRE Youth for the new term of 2009-2011. Wow. It's a big role and very exciting and challenging, I wish him all the best!

So well, with all that, i went for Mass, in the most 'sian' state. I of course, didn't manage to talk to anyone. I just said, I was sleepy and closed my eyes, hoping to not need to talk to anyone so i could sort out my internal battles. But, after that, through the message by Fr. Luke, and after holy communion, i really found the strength to lighten up and just get out of that moody patch. I realised i could just seek the Lord and I would find Him, if I seeked with all my heart.

So then, simple lesson learnt, long day to realise.

And well, after taht, it was much more fun! Went for a lovely dinner to Ma Maison at CENTRAL with SURY, and the "WEEs" Jacob & Eugene,... to have Japanese Western Food. We were looking for RAMEN actually, but couldn't find a suitable place to really settle down at. So finally, came to Ma Maison out of pure chance. But this is really pretty... a really quaint restaurant.. and lovely food. I will recommend it again to everybody!!!

Escargots - Eugene's not mine..

And my current obsession is === OMU RICE!

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