Monday, February 23

Why I don’t like slumdog millionaire

It starts off good, ends off bad.

Recall one part in the movie where younger bro says to older bro – I will never forgive you. At the end, when he gets “everything” – it shows him partying in the end with the gal and typical Bollywood mass dances. Yet it does not show anything about how younger brother ever forgives older brother in the end, for what he did. Where’s the real closure? Where’s the real heart of the movie?

Next, if both young & older brother so called moved out from their ‘slum’ life and find new areas elsewhere, why does the older brother continue to slave under mafia type of gangsters while younger brother goes off to live a decent life working his way around? It does not show the relationship between the two brothers very well. Was there jealousy? Was there love? Protection? Friendship? None shown. So perhaps, they are not real brothers…? You compare this brotherhood to the local movie “THE DAYS” and I would say, our local film fairs 100x better. I was so touched by the brotherly bond in The Days but found none in Slumdog.

Overall, the passage out from slum-life to freedom and riches is a nice theme to follow, plus a bit of the idea of first-love, freedom, and survival of the fittest. But overall, it is superficial. At the end of the day, I feel sorry for how stupidly one can choose to die and how one can choose to live life.. I just want the million dollars and the girl. ?????

Read more here. I so totally agree!

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