Friday, November 27

Busy week!

Oh gosh... what a busy week... and messy one.. yet filled with both joy, sadness, and reflections.

Things that I had to do/happened this week...

- youth comm mtg
- taking cab to orchard 3 nights this week, that's like $15 each time at least..
- arrange for printing of youth min posters to put up by weekend
- arrange for revision of one of the posters for youth ministry project
- zapping/getting songs for PY for Friday rehearsal
- going out with CSA Alumni friends for dinner!
- dad's car kena knocked slightly at the back bumper when he jam-braked. But thank God it's not that bad and other party is so nice too. Wake up call Dad said.
- missing someone at work.. i hope she is ok.
- unmet deadlines at work.. giving me a headache.
- forgot to call aunty Jackie to see if she can cook for youth canteen run.
- arrange to get Cello from KY tmrw (drive up to Jurong to collect fr him!!)
- arranging tennis on 7th Dec
- arranging practice for Abi's wedding this Sunday..
- arranging for food this Sat youth meet... my mama penny is helping me prepare spaghetti..
- checking whether songs for christmas carolling is ok or not?
- arranging canteen duty instructions to brief others..

So many things on my mind..

Well, the things that I really liked this week so far:
- The lil car accident - wake up call - the feeling of thankfulness
- Jap lesson. We learnt honorific / humble form. SOOO CHEEM
- Meeting up with CSA Friends

The things i really disliked this week:
- That I don't know to ask for help for the myriad of things i have to do. Is it only me that can do it? Is this my weakness (doing everything myself)? or is it just no one's fault and just a time where i have to work harder for the sake of everyone?
- That I have the key to the Cage (then again, just whining once again).

There, all out. I'm cool again. Just needed to WHINE!

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