Sunday, October 18

Argh... lousy ending

I quote "sammie chan" (ahaha note the similar name)'s review on Pandora Hearts --

"Pandora Hearts would be what I’d call enjoyable to watch given the condition that you haven’t read the manga. Otherwise, it’s a bit of disappointment. Oh wait, scratch that – it’s a disappointment regardless of the manga. The ending is UNBELIEVABLY ‘WHAT…ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! Why…why would you put Daddy-Oz as the last brick wall for Oz to jump over?! I personally think that this course of action is despicable and an insult to Pandora Hearts. For something so creative as its plot, they should have put it in a manner where it makes a second season possible, regardless of whether or not a sequel would take place. Point is, an implication for a sequel would make viewers ask for more and would therefore leave somewhat of a good impression. But noooo, they didn’t do that; they instead pulled an ending from the Abyss and haphazardly cut-and-pasted it to the anime. Couple it with the bad animation quality and the fact that there’s insufficient development between Oz and Alice; and what you’d get is a potentially good series gone horribly wrong.

So true.

Dang! I really did like the characters and plot at the beginning too.... such a disappointment!

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