Sunday, November 8

Gav & Jane are married!!!

Finally first wedding over! Gavin & JaNe had a wonderful wedding today and I am privileged to be helping out. Indeed, it is a joy to give, and though sometimes you sacrifice something, like time, money or energy, you feel the joy of the giving a reward in itself.

Anyway, I'm really glad for them. It is just a mystery to me how 2 people can come together and really love each other so deeply to want to spend an entire life together. Looking at Gav and Jane and the wonderful times they have shared together, just gives anyone inspiration to go out and begin to Love. I think they have a gift from God which is to love each other and to be an example for us, especially our community where no one is married yet! ho ho ho!

Talking about weddings I have an amazing 6 to attend this season. Suddenly the wedding fever attacks me too,... I've always been hearing friends having lots of weddings to attend and now I'm also one of them. Speaks of the age... sigh...

Ok let's seee, Gav+Jane done... next coming up would be Paula & Avrian, then Oka & Maya, then my Jazzicalbelles Lobang where we'll be playing at RITZ!!!! OOOHh.... AND Then ABi & Joseph, and then Michael & HyeonJu. oH gosh... it is truly crazy!!!

Anyway, as for updates for me,... not much really. Doing work is the same week in and week out... there are new projects, new events, etc every other week, but i think my larger question that pertains to me and my life in general is this - can I do this in the long-term and what do I really want in my life?

For this question, I really can't answer. So this contributes to a general feeling of being lost once again, if I were to be perfectly honest with myself.

IF i were to be technically correct, I should say life is perfect. GOod job, doing lotsa churchy stuff, very good, and all things good. If I were to be ambitious, I'd say, i'm going no where. If I were to be simple, I'd say, i'm happy and that's all that matters. IF i were to be negative, i'd say, life sux, i hate working.

So how should one behave? I have realised it is all about perspective. Whatever the situation, we develop an opinion, a perspective on it. IF we have Godly perspective, we will see things in a different light. Without God, we walk our own ways and truly depend on our own thinking, maybe self-help books or learning from influential people around us and thinking we are really on the right track. BUt what if we adopted God's perspective? What we thought was right could be wrong. and what was wrong could be right. So there is truly no absolute. I'm arguing FOR God here. So someone could jolly well also say, that God's perpective could be just a bunch of nonsense and what was right there, is actually wrong.

Well, not going to debate here coz i'm a lousy debator. I will adopt a positive perspective and godly perspective, which is to think of all things that are good, pure, and positive (aka PHilippians 4:8) = Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

And I will also adopt a GOd-perspective =="For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call upon and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:11-13, NIV).

THanks Gav and Sury for reminding me of this verse...

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