Friday, June 18

Libera - Always With You

The Path.... this was my drawing from "RECEIVE" youth retreat last weekend..

Hearing this song today "Always with you" by Libera, it kinda made sense to me....  see the lyrics:

Lyrics: Always with you

Do you know me, who I am?
I am always with you
I am near you every day,
Always share what you doFollow the path to anywhere,

A stranger in the world without you
Forever I will be there,
The shadow you always knew

Beati quorum via, integra est

If you think Ive gone away,
And am never with you
I am not so far away,
Always shadowing you.

After a long day of feeling tired, hearing this is nice and relaxing.... comforting... !

On another note, today's rather interesting - tried to donate blood but failed in the test after it showed that my blood has low iron count today, just 0.5 units short of the recommended! So no blood donation for me. I got iron pills instead. haha..

Listen to "Always With You" by Libera --- They're so cute - and their voices so heavenly...

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