Wednesday, December 22

Christmas 2010

THis Christmas, nothing strikes me as much as buying gifts for people. Why do we buy gifts? is it just a societal trend? I dun really know by now. it's like an obligation, a good thing to do. Regardless of the meaning of christmas, we will still buy gifts. For what? For the happiness and joy of each other.

I am happy enough about that but not that people do not know about the true meaning of christmas.... our saviour Jesus Christ was born. Basically, that IS the meaning of Christmas. BEcause JEsus was born, we have joy, peace, love and hope!

So my wish for everyone is to experience Joy, Peace, Love and Hope this Christmas!

JOY for the year ahead
PEACE among your families
LOVE that gives you assurance, and strength for the new year
and HOPE For 2011 and all the new challenges ahead!

God Bless!

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