Thursday, October 14

The heavens are telling the Glory of GOd!

Today I had a Day-changing moment (not 'life' changing, but good enough).... In fact, this whole week i'd been bored, unsatisfied, searching, longing, wishing, complaining, neglecting, etc

And today as I looked at the recent "SKY" album that i set up in facebook, I happened to think of the hymn "The heavens are telling the glory of God..." I did a google search on it and found out that it is from Psalms 19 and is an actual psalm. Further search brought me to John Piper's article:

Preached 20 yrs ago in 1990!!!

My photos of THE SKY:

I never realised that there is a ministry of the Sky... - maybe my sky fascination (explains my nick also) - is more than just a whim or fancy.... maybe it's really telling of how I yearn for God himself.

This article changed my day.

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