I'm Yours? Whose? I'm God's own!
As we come to a new week ahead, I wanna share a quick reflection I did tonight after the day's revelries (yes... me marlene and van went out - had a days' worth of fun. We were of course joined by some others along the day,... ).
Tonight, I hear the song "I'm Yours" by Planetshakers from the Album - Evermore. The lyrics go "So no matter what the cost, I will go for you; No matter what it takes, I'm yours..." - I recall singing this at least 5 years back, feeling like I really meant it - to God.
But feelings come and go. At this point of time, it's probably not so "hot". More like... No matter what it takes, I "might" be yours... maybe... see how? Not so sure... maybe not now... maybe tomorrow... aiyah... wait and see... ARGH... stress... !!
haha.. well, it's true... isnt' it? We fumble, we get high... we get low... during our walk with God.
Now, I want to ask everyone... can we sing such a song? Will we go - for Him? If it means to die to our sins? our wants? Our lusts for this world (more of enjoyment, more good things, more money, etc etc)?? Do we indulge in ourselves? Yes, our feb babies did indulge themselves a lot today... haha... but the question is for all of us to look at and ask ourselves.
"I'm YOURS: by Planet Shakers"
Oh Lord
When I think of all You've done
My heart sings of Your love
That saved my soul
And made me whole
My life is Yours
Cause You paid the price
I give You my life, I'm Yours
So no matter what the cost
I will go for You
No matter what it takes, I'm Yours
Because You paid the price at Calvary
I give You my whole life, I'm Yours
Oh Lord
My everything to You I lift
My heart and soul I live
For You alone
I'm not my own
My life is Yours
I'm Yours
Jesus I am Yours
--- OR... is Jason Mrazs' "I'm Yours" the only one we know? Which is all about giving ourselves to another person... (maybe another girl, or guy.. ) (though i'm not entirely sure myself)
I'll rather Belong to JESUS. He is GOD... He is my LOVE, He is everything I need (or so I say).
I'm beginning to see how difficult this statement is. Though in my earlier days, I could just say it with no problem. Sounds like a marriage cooling down... hmm...
But when you come to think of it... can we Love God so much that we can sing that song above?
It's more true that our love fluctuates. We can say we Love God one day, and then wish we never said it the next day...
Therefore, in all my rambles, the point is clear. Regardless of anything, the fact is that our walk with God only begins when we "GIVE" our lives to God... let us Give it up... as HE gave His life up for us. At the end of the day, The NARROW Road tells us that there is no other path to God - to Heaven... much as we like it or not...