Sunday, February 27

SE Concert - Journey. And my life..a journey too..

The String Ensemble Concert - 'Journey' has just ended today. What another time of nerve-wrecking performance, but lovely all the same. It's just so great putting up a performance and I simply love the getting together with other kinsfolk to play great music. Of course, we have a long way to go in terms of standard, but with everyone so keen on playing, I'm hopeful that the String Ensemble will make it bigger one day.. ... I just praise God. I see that great passion in the members. I hope these will be found in my youth ministry one day..

Well, I wonder what really draws me to it... it's probably the people.. playing together.. to know that we have some chance of playing, learning and improving.. for people like me, who are "no where" (aka not learning violin anymore, but neither good enough to be in a professional orchestra)...

The past few days, have been thoroughly disappointing for me. I won't share it here.. but if u want.. u can really ask me.. I will share.. ha.

And well, as u know.. I had been thinking too much and u can see the blog for the past few days,.. totally dismal.

I'd been lost, and content to be lost, and totally down in the dumps. If u looked at my life.. it was dismal too.. sleep late wake up late, go for string practice, sleep late, wake up late, go for string practice... it's not the string practice.. it's me... there was something I couldn't let go and couldn't let God handle...

But yesterday and today, I'd been telling myself,.. Sam.. you're a new creation in Christ. Put on the new self. Don't live in the old ways... and I'm thinking.. yeah.. Sam.. you can do it! (Personal Pep talk..haha)

And then I saw this promise of John, ?But if we live in the light, as God is in the light, we can share fellowship with each other. Then the blood of Jesus, God?s Son, cleanses us from every sin? (1 John 1:7).

I should live in the light - where I am free!! No longer burdened by negative self-thoughts, worries and unwarranted desires and useless fantasies of what I could have and worries of what I didn't have..

OH GOD! People are just people. Why do we have to go through all these stuff? These ups and downs.. and Yesh.. I do know that we could avoid these if we sought your light. Your peace. Your answers. But being foolish..I am just simply stupefied and I just choose otherwise.. Forgive me Lord and may I move on. Tmrw.. I am a new person. Once again. A renewed person.

Just in time for FYP again. Haha.. as we embark on our report writing stuff.. I hope that I'll have the energy again to tackle it.. and give it my best.

Glad I totally didn't have to do anything this week.. i couldn't have anyway... from that emotional pitfall I just went through. Unwarranted, uncalled for. But it just suddenly plops into your life just like that.. and I was not prepared! Certainly not prepared!

No wonder God tells us in the Bible to pray always, wear our armour always, and to beware of the devil, who is like a prowling lion looking for its prey every minute. I'd been very very weak indeed.

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