Thursday, February 17

Just a reflection

Was just thinking of the NTU String Ensemble and how it had blossomed so far.. its amazing how because of a dream, things can move thus far. I'm especially glad the present president - Ruiting- caught on to the dream... During my year, my committee had a dream.. to raise the level of String Ensemble. We didnt' take it very far, but we managed to do a first-ever lunchtime concert at NTU.

Well, since then,.. it has taken 2 years for a new committee to rise up and catch the dream once again. And just looking at it.. I'm so happy.. they're just oozing with passion for String Ensemble... and have achieved so many things that I personally wished to do during my time - a good website, a thriving yahoogroups community, active participation from alumnis, bonding, communication and a common passion and a dream.

Its the same with ministry. I've lots to learn. And it's now 4 years since I've caught that dream. 4 years! 4 long years since 2001. Since I started Uni. Well.. it's amazing. Thank God I am still here somehow. And still desiring to serve Him. I pray that I will be able to desire this all my life.

So well.. back to string.. I'm inspired by ruiting, the president of string now. Her determination and leadership is worth to look at. She not only gets things done, she also motivates and encourages people. If you ask me, that's exactly what leadership should be like. And man.. I have this super inferior complex about my own leadership but what the heck.. I'm gonna learn anyway.. and first thing first.. is to pull myself out of this stupid rut i've gotten myself into.. stress, depression and what other whatnots.

Stupid sam.. dun be a fool. You've been blessed till cannot be blessed further... I'm just so stupid to forget the Lord's Goodness.

Well.. to be specific.. I've been blessed to be a blessing. Why then, hide my light and stifle the spirit? by disobedience, lack of faith, lack of trust and running on my own strength?

More Than Conquerors Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

That's me.. that's me...

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