Sunday, February 6

One week has passed!

ONe week has passed since my last blog! proving the extent of my busy-ness.. Wow! okay.. well... i guess this is how it goes, when u have 4 students trying to pull off a medium scale event (can't consider it large though) and trying to organise the whole thing - manpower to publicity to logistics.. Gosh it's tough! But yesterday, while packing goodie bags - (How i just love monotonous jobs!) - it was really fun.. me, simon and esther chatted and laughed.. and we were all relaxed, no great great stress. Yes I have a million things at the back of my head to think and worry about, but at that moment, it was just like.. I was trusting fully, depending on each and every person involved in this project. I realised that if I were to worry about everyone, it would kill me. But if i let go and trust and just know that a particular area is settled by someone - it would be. This takes trust. hehe. or rather you're too tired to worry about so much so once something is under someone elses' scope you go - phew.. okay yah yah you handle it..

But anyways... it's really a great project and I really am prepared on Sat whether there'll be people or zero people. BUT Can i hope for more? Can i even pray for more? I guess so. Faith says, that you have to believe in things that are not yet seen, but yet to come. I really believe our project and cause is so good. But what if there's no people? or a few say around 50 people only at every one time, streaming in and then out and not staying?

I guess, I have to be really really prepared, and have an answer for it all.

The one thing about leadership is you always have to have an answer for things. And think fast, be alert and be on top of everything. Tough call for me when I tend to forget stuff and get confused if stressed... oh God improve my quick thinking and memory!! I need to work on this.. and REALLY need it in my working future..

Well.. anyways.. I FINALLY got to play mahjong last night! With jac and marlene. It was so fun!!! 3 person mahjong.. still fun... I got a mega 6-double right at the end.. mwahahaha.. Oh so fun.. !!

And lastly... my body is aching... jap hw is abit backdated,... and pauline is leaving next week! and New Year's just round the corner but I don't think i'll really enjoy the visiting.. what will it be like with all the families? I wish Ju was here... .. hmm what happened last year also anyway??

Now i dun feel like stopping... but hmm nothing left to say already....

OH yeah.. i've got something... ---- come for the V-Day Wakefest! -----!

Hehehe! Come around 4pm onwards.. that'll be great!!

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