Friday, May 27

Salzburg!!! The hills are alive...

It's just 10 days... and life is so much more meaningful. It's awesome. And totally refreshing to see the other side of the world... to get out of Singapore. Honestly, I was once a global-phobic.. but now I wanna embrace "Globalism" or rather, being a "citizen-of-the-world"! It's so nice if people could adapt easily and to understand different cultures. In London it was ok, people all rushing about, no one gives a damn of who you are.. hehe.. In Austria? it was a different thing.. Me and Ruby were probably the one or two singaporeans there?? A Rare breed.. and we had a Great time being stared at by everyone and not understanding a single bit of German in Austria.. but thank God.. the sights were absolutely fabulous... so much.. so much to tell about..

I am so thankful for this experience.. seeing all the churches in Austria and London.. beautiful and historical.. you just stand in awe looking at all those stained glass and paintings. It makes God come alive, it makes history seem so appealing, and you'd just want to immerse yourself in the culture. It's no wonder people from these countries know so much of their history (I suppose) - coz its so rich to start with. Comparing with Singapore? We've got not much to boast about. Nothing spectacular.

Perhaps the grass is greener on the other side. Well, its always the case. Am now dreaming of the snowy mountains and the beautiful hills of Salzburg.. and might wanna learn German too one day! (even though it sounded really bad when we were there.. all we could say was Ya (yes) and danke (Thanks).. )

Funny thing in London on the last day was that I got recognised by a Singaporean family! Hahah.. they just passed by and the mum asked me.. are you from Singapore? I was quite glad to see some fellow S'poreans and was like "YES!" haha.. so I do have a distinct Singaporean look? Dang.. i wanted to look more Japanese.. but then again.. can't make it lah.. Japanese are petite, have curly hair.. and a distinct fashion. mwahahaha! And on this day? I was wearing a plain T-shirt very singaporean like. Another funny thing.. I met my friend from CS - Farah at Buckingham Palace in London!!

And and well well.. I lurve the musicals we watched in London.. Joseph & The Technicolour dreamcoat, and Blood Brothers. Splendid. And what about Food? No complaints.. the pastries are soooo delicious and we had ice cream every day in Austria!..

Did I mention that we also managed to touch a little bit of Germany and Slovenia? Coz they were bordering on Austria and so we passed there a bit. And we did this Toboggan ride in Austria which was so cool - you sit on a flat board with a lever in the centre.. a pulley pulls you to the top of the hill by a hook on the back of the board (so u go up backwards).. then u transfer ur board to a ramp which goes down like those water rides except you can control the speed with the lever on your board.

Too bad the weather was so cold, if not we would have done some water rafting in Salzburg.

Oh yeh.. I'm now quite ok with the Underground. The Train System in London.. initially was like a blur duck following Ruby around mindlessly... haha.. Anyway speaking about ducks yeah we did see a flying duck at Schloss Schonbrunn (Beautiful Fountain Palace) at Vienna!

As for Graz, we met up with Pauline! I got a shock seeing her Dreadlocks.. cool cool... am so impressed.. It's totally out of my imagination to be able to do something like what she's doing. Planning to work in a farm? Work overseas? That's still out of my comfort zone. Anyways, we had a great time with some of her friends from Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia, and tasting her apple strudel and pasta...Wow! She's now a great cook! hehehe! We also went to the countryside winery - Buschershank - where we had cold cuts and wine!

Anyways, just a interesting bit from today as well.. the final day, in London, Ruby and I went to the Tower of london.. and there was this really entertaining talk of the history of the Tower.. where we found some stories behind the phrases to get away "Scott-Free" and Humpty Dumpty and the Three Blind Mice! These nursery rhymes didnt' come about just like that.. there was some History behind it!

And so well.. I shall get down to reading all those booklets and brochures that I bought.. History and explanations behind stuff inside the Westminster Abbey, St Paul's Cathedral, etc etc. Good way to spend my time now that I'm with Ju in Cambridge.. and can't disturb her coz exams coming soon.

Now, I definitely wanna travel to more places! Around the world!! Way to go! :P

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