Tuesday, July 12


The convocation was today. It was marked by a high rush of adrenaline.. we woke up late! To compound the matter, we got stuck in a "of-all-days" BKE Jam. I was due to play a piece in a string quartet - Canon and the National Anthem. It was amazing though, that I was pretty calm and confident. Alleluia! !

Meanwhile.. after it was all over, I was truly overjoyed. I threw my mortar board like so high! (throwing it lower the 2nd round coz it fell on someone's head first round)

After that.. we rushed off coz mum and dad rushing to work. It was kinda frustrating. But well. what to do!

Anyways, I so will miss some people. I think I really will have to make effort this round to keep in touch with my friends. I think in the process of life, I have forgotten about that. Not this time. I promise!


My FYP group!

And Long overdue.. I was supposed to put up this pic of my mosaic piece done at Mosaic Workshop in May. Mosaic is therapeutic! Join me for another mosaic workshop if ya want!


At 12:21 AM, Blogger :: dotz :: said...

congrats on graduation!!! =D hee hee.. and cool mosaic! i'm definitely interested in learning how. just tell me when! =)

At 10:43 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

HEy! NIce to see u here on the blog! HOpe you get over the jetlag soon.. and have fun.. must be really exciting in Indiana! at the US CCC! Wow! Anyways, when you're back, we'll go for mosaic! YAY Yay yay! The time is free and easy.. any time.. price a bit ex though.. $100 for a basic piece like that. U can choose to put a mirror on it too tho! heh! OK till then! Ciao!


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