Monday, December 5

Being satisfied in the Lord? what does it mean?

Happy happy.

Not coughing much anymore.. *cough*

ok just sporadic coughs now.

The whole 2 week draggy thing has been a toll on me.. making me terribly tired and moody. But I'm back up and really can't wait now to get out and do some sports and stuff.

What's been on my mind the past weekend is really what happened at the SACCRE Youth gathering at St. Peter & Paul last Sat. Dominic Chan from Amplify Ministries gave a really inspiring talk about PSALM 37:4 - it's somewhere on my blog..

I believed in it but i think i never understood it fully until now. We always think it's "delight yourself in the lord" (do godly things, be happy to serve God), "and he will give you the desires of your heart" (aka he will give you the things you want, like favour at work, good grades, happiness, etc).


Ultimately, our heart desires to be happy. But we always think the things of this world can make us happy. Yes they do - but only for a while. Maybe even a span of few years. But it will not last forever. It will not last for eternity.

So our heart's utmost desire is actually to be satisfied in him (and God knows this although we deny it and sometimes run away). And when we delight ourselves in the Lord doing the things of God's will - our hearts will be satisfied in HIM which means that we will realise our heart's true desire - for Him - to be free of Sin - to be assured - to be strengthened - filled with joy -...

It's a difficult concept! Really!!

I was reading this and realised that there's so much more to understand about the phrase "being satisfied in the lord"


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