Saturday, November 12

John 15:5 The Vine VS the Branch

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

As such, if i am but a branch, all i have to do is grow along with the vine... i don't need to get too stressed up over whether I will bear fruit in the future... because it all depends on the Vine!! I can only bear fruit when I get my "minerals" from the vine.

In this world.. what is our idea of "bearing fruit"? The first thing that comes to my mind is ---> Success. Or say.. getting what we want out of life. But that so self-focused.

God's idea of bearing fruit is to produce joy, peace, love, kindness, goodness, patience, and faithfulness! and we can only bear this kind of fruit when we are truly - In Christ - which means - walking in His paths, doing the things that are good, noble, positive, and obedient to His Will and His ways of Love.

If we are but a branch, and yet seek to break off to become our own tree,... (disbelieving that we were ever attached to a vine in the first place)... we'd be a lost branch, and we'd have died (a spiritual death). So many is the case today. And yet, many "DRIED TWIGS" out there believe they are doing great when they truly are "broken off" from the true VINE!

How true isn't it?

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