Saturday, October 13

What is Obedience?

Obedience to God is such a 'difficult' term. Much less obedience to our parents, seniors, older advisors, teachers, church leaders, etc.

We have always sought to break the rules. It is even a trend, cool, or simply, the 'way' out there. Who wants to follow rules? Follow the Law?

But, Jesus said in John 14:6 -- "I am the way, the truth and the life".

Reflecting on this, I find that... if Jesus is the way, then all our methods of doing or solving things just falls to the ground because the 'JESUS' method is still the best...

Once again, in my life, I have a renewed conviction in this statement. We tend to question why people would blindly believe this statement from a man who lived 2000 years ago. But then again... rather than believing in nothing (which may simply be a self-delusion that God does not exist)? OR believing just superficially (which means believing but not changing - and even the devil can do that)... I will choose to believe. Like how the P&W song titled "With All I Am" goes.. the chorus goes like this:

"Jesus I believe... in you... Jesus I belong.. to you.. You're the reason that I live, you're the reason that I sing,.. with all I am.. "

If Jesus is the way and the truth, and the life-giver ---- then Jesus who was also very obedient to His Father.. sets the pace for all of us - Obedience. If we want the way, the truth and the life in this world... we need JESUS because he not only claimed it... he proved it.

And if we need Jesus, we realise, Jesus always advocated obedience,.. so we need obedience..

Not blind obedience though. God would never advocate us to obey an evil person, obey sinful lifestyles. In fact, he tells us to walk away from those.

It's spiritual obedience. Yield to our Father in heaven... and then blessings will flow - pouring out into our lives. THEN only we will have the way, (clear about our path in life),.. the truth... and LIFE! :)

Doesn't it just make so much sense? Or perhaps, i'm ranting because i'm on a spiritual high?

But nothing happened. Really nothing happened. I just told God... or at least, kept telling God.. Yes Lord Yes Lord, whatever you want... I will Go, I will follow.. God is moving - for only His purposes - something i can never know or fully understand as well... and even if I don't want to move... I am moving already.

So... I am just seeking to live each day.. one at a time... My perception of God.. as we talked about at YAM session last week.. is like a distant lord and father. But perhaps, each day, I can just inch closer a bit.. to discover more of Him.

And indeed, HE works in mysterious ways and through things like coincidences. I prayed 2 funny prayers... and it happened...

1) I prayed that if God would have me to stop thinking of a particular thing.... to make my little string quartet practice suddenly get cancelled drastically. Well, it happened. Right up till saturday we were agreed on the practice, till the cancellation came... 2 people suddenly couldn't make it on that sunday.

2) I prayed a prayer of loneliness and despair.. I was out at Lunch today buying some Art canvas.. and I happened to bump into a old ntu school mate whom I never saw since graduation... and that stark coincidence... made me realise God is there for me.

Yup. So He is so real. He is always waiting for our hearts to turn to him, fully - and that, in part... obedience.

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