Thursday, April 3

The Pillowman

Just watched this today. It's really worth a watch. After a bit of initial cringes, I got to really like the stories, characters and the messages throughout the play.

Unlike some reviews, i found i could still stomach the so-called violent scenes and profanity. Talk about being diluted with the cultures of today. It got me thinking, and that is a good thing... When I came home, I had to get online immediately, just to read more reviews. Though, those didn't really clarify some of the questions I have in my mind ;)

Anyway, in my search around, I found a phrase used to describe the Pillowman that somehow stuck in my head... It went like - This was a show able to "afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted..." Somehow, that statement sums it quite a bit for my experience tonight...

And maybe at the end of the day, it is up to the viewer's interpretations after all...

For me, in watching, I felt that one was left hoping for some comfort for the characters, some justice. You'd sympathise with the situation. You'd pray for less of a tragedy.

In the end, I was satisfied. But a bittersweet aftertaste remains - wasn't there any happiness at all? Is the quest for an ideal the most important thing in life? or to leave a legacy? Is there no hope of salvation? Lastly, it totally paints a horrific picture of "parents" or whatever they were supposed to symbolise. The society? the nation? perhaps it could be taken that far? But i'm not going into any lengthy debate. in fact, i think i'll lose track halfway wahhaa...

But I still do have some thoughts using a less literary-critic approach (which i so am not): I might actually draw some lessons from this play -- that ultimately, while there is good meaning in expressing one's pain and hurt through catharsis in writing, or other medium, there is no real alleviation from the pain. In other words, and in my own practical, christian, real-world terms -- art can be both a "healing" method, while it can also NOT be. and Art can refer to anything from writing, music, painting/images, to drama or expression..

To experience any relief from our pain and trauma, there needs to be healing. The fact that the play highlights anything BUT that - is understandable coz it is a play after all and we don't expect them to go all moralistic and christian with people.

But, I like one bit really very much despite how twisted it became = that it brings out perfectly well the love of the brothers - which really touched me. But it was truly bittersweet.

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