Monday, February 18

Meaningless to Meaningful

Today, was a really sian day. I couldn't help feeling "lonely". You know, when you don't feel you have a common group of people who shares the same passion, beliefs and even speaking style as you. So many things. People who just know your exterior mask, but not you -you.

It's easy to say it's just a matter of opening up. But I don't open up very easy. So anyway, I just felt sad. Wondering -- who to ask out tonight? it seems everyone's busy, or it would feel weird asking people out... since I rarely do that as I'm always the busy one. But hey for once, I was free tonight.... Anyway.. i definitely knew that I had whined to God today in my little conversations with Him. I said.. God... u know how lousy I feel today. What shall I do tonight?

I didn't think of it any longer after that... deciding that if I felt like it, I would go shopping,.. if not, go home to watch my korean drama (which I didn't have mood to watch actually today). BUT you know what? Is this coincidence or God's divine providence? On my way out to raffles MRT I met who else but Vanessa JB! That's what I call her in my phone list.. haha...

Anyway, she was also free this night. So we ended up at Marina's Changing Appetites, having a hearty meal and mudpie dessert. I was stuffed man. Overdosed on food. But i was happy. I had great company and great sharing, and great laughs. We talked about the whole history of YAM since 2000, and I relieved many memories, and the whole ministry journey since then. It's really cathartic. Something that cannot be done at home, with myself, but only with people and friends.

SO lesson learnt -- God gives us what we need and provides us friends too. We must ask first... and He will show us the way.

The "chocolate"-look-alike burger I had -- it was BBQ burger. AM not a food reviewer so I didn't quite take down all the details hehe. Overall, it was enjoyable and I liked the beef patty.

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