Saturday, January 12

Being Hungry!

It's been now around 12 days? Since start of the year. It's been a great time.... planning for all the youth events, also involved myself in doing the CSA website (yet another commitment?!) I don't know why even though I'm so busy, I still pack myself. My brain needs the stimulation I guess! ;)

Anyway, I wanted to write in this blog entry that "STRENGTH" is indeed from the Lord. Sometimes we are weak, and even though we know we are, we don't want to seek the Lord. We believe in all kinds of lies that we tell ourselves, like God can wait... I don't need God... or I dun feel like being very Godly at all.

But as today, I find myself experiencing an inexplicable hunger once again for God.

You know how it feels like when you're hungry right? You are just thinking about Food all along.. everywhere.. you start drooling and thinking of nothing but FOOD!

Well, not that I'm thinking NOTHING but God, but the whole analogy here is to show that,... if you are hungry, you KNOW it.

Similarly - if we are not really sure and find ourselves having to question, "am I hungry for God? Do I really want him in my life?" It simply means - we are not really that hungry for God.

Because if you are, YOU will know it.

Every hungry person will stand and complain --- "AH i'm so hungry!" So if you're hungry,.. you'll really know it.

And when finally our hunger exceeds our pride... we'd then finally fall down before Jesus... and go all out on a different path of life... that quest to pursue God, our lord and saviour with great intensity, like never before.

It will be "A New Thing".

And I guess, that's what many people are afraid of...?

That "New Thing" had happened in my life in 1999. It then takes another 8 years to develop and you start feeling dry and old... but that's when God sends us through tests and purifies us through the fire. Have you been through the fire? Simply, this means... been through a series of transforming experiences in your prayer life - so that you are able to understand the depth of God's love for you and to know His plans for your life? The truth about His Love?

And so, today, 8 years later from being "awakened" by God... for once in many months, I awake at 7:30am today and go to my computer... and start doing God's work... (planning for session tonight) --- and play some worship songs... and just feel God's presence touching me through the music and lyrics.

Isn't this God's doing? If not, what?

If it wasn't God, i'd be having a late morning... in lala land.

The hunger....

The feeling that I need God...

The feeling of Coming Back to Him....

Even ministry people like me... need that too....

That renewal of faith... conviction... desire... .. unwavering passion.... I need that too....

Praise the Lord...!


At 1:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hunger for another Tridentine Mass. I hunger for more Latin, I hunger for the strenght and ability to uphold the Traditions of the Church, I hunger for knowledge of the faith, that I may hammer, correct and teach the heretics of the world and bring them to the True Church of God.

You can tell I am really hungry and rather greedy too eh. (^_^)


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