Wednesday, December 26

Cool things

I think people who sail are cool. Just remembered my langkawi trip.... we went out on a little "sailing tour" with a guide who kept the sail afloat for me, Mar & Van.

I think people who set up their own business are cool. Now there are 2 of my friends who are into something like that. Awesome.

I think putting up a musical is cool. My dream is really to play in a musical. Or you could call it -- a production. A play. Whatever. Maybe to compose music for that - though i'd rather just play first. Man... maybe that might come true next year?!?

I think travelling all around the world is cool. It's just so awesome to get beyond ourselves, see the world beyond singapore, become small and expand your horizons beyond.

I think falling in love is cool. And i'm only saying this coz it's been a long time being single. Wahahaa.. Not because I am desperate or anything.

I think God is cool. It is really awesome to be able to evangelise our faith without feeling ashamed. If I could talk about my faith like how Aunt Theresa does, I'd be proud of myself.

I think I am not as bad as I think I am. I am very blessed. Don't know why I always like to forget that point.

I think Life is really what you make it out to be. It's all about attitude, mindsets, and where there is a will, there is a way. IF we want to live it up, we will live it up. IF we do not want to, we will not ever get there.

BUT sadly, there are times where this statement does not work. When people want to do something, but cannot. When circumstances are overwhelming. When life simply does not let up, no chances, no opportunities. The rich get richer, poor remain poor. It is therefore sometimes true that life isn't "fair".

I am digressing... those are such uncool things...

Back to what's cool....

What's cool is to be able to walk on the streets and not be self-conscious but be happy for who you are and what you are doing, etc. aka... to be confident.

ANd lastly... what is cool is to have dinner with your friends and laugh and share about your dreams in life. It works for family too.

God Bless and Happy Boxing Day.

I had a field day today at Science Centre's DAT exhibition with Ram... and a beautiful time playing Nintendo Wii at RL's house and dinner at Giraffe with the olps ensemble people.

Thank you all for making my day special!

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