Hey again! It's been ages since i ranted.
Ok... today was great. I had a game of tennis with Van, Richard, Lhea. It was so nice once again to get my blood moving... ahaha.. stale already..
Then i came back and settled down. And simply sat in front of the computer from 11pm to 2+++am (now) -- that's like 3 hrs -- to read all the emails and reply them... for everything from the oLps June retreat, to updating my blogs and stuff... and man, i'm still not done yet....
Anyway, I just want to thank God for giving me much more confirmation in what I 'should' be doing and 'should not'. Sometimes, when you tell God inside your heart that you really don't know better and that He knows best... and just let go and say "YES" to whatever he has for you... and then, things will flow better.
Now i am in a new state of change (what's new?) and once again, i am busy! So i face the quest to find enough time to sit by myself and reflect on what I really want for my life.
So in the meanwhile, here's a photo update on what's going on lately:
31 May morning to afternoon:
Spent a day by myself at Monsoon the other Saturday afternoon. Permed my hair again. IT's now like a poofed up beyonce kinda look. Some people like it, some don't. But my colleague said something very nice to me... she said she likes this hairdo and always wanted one but her hair cannot have volume. So then she said.. don't care what other people think. Yah, I should not bother so much.
Anyway, during the long 6hrs at the salon... I slipped in a pedicure with some fancy nail art here... hehe! This was really fun...
31 May 2008 night:
Uncle Pushpam's 80th Birthday celebration at Khansama Tandoori Village restaurant...

Dad singing an Elvis' number... "The wonder of you"

Our niece... Alyssa!
4 June 2008 8:15am
AND the latest.. a COOL RAINBOW... saw this in the morning on the ECP, and mum dad and I was just going ballistic at how beautiful it was.. ;) haha..

PS: Can you see the 2nd ring of the rainbow's reflection higher up from the first rainbow? A faint 2nd rainbow?
The great part is,... a rainbow is always significant. It is a sign of God's covenant or "promise" to mankind.
Seeing this,.. especially as a family together.. right at the beginning of today... is special. Especially also when my Mama Penny is now back in Philippines to see her mum who's in ICU, i think this is a comforting sign.
Perhaps all the drivers along ECP saw it this morning. And I hope they felt a touch of happiness when they saw it. Who else can do such a thing? Create love and happiness? but God himself, for God is Love!