Tuesday, February 24

My Tues-Wed "randomness"

My Tues-Wed rantings in a new "randomness" fashion...

- Anime piano scores... Crazy downloads.. just downloaded 37 new scores on Sunday. There's songs from the animes, Air, Blackcat, Bleach, Deathnote, Escaflowne, FateStayNight, HikaruNoGo, LaputaCastle in the sky, Totoro, Noein, Howl'sMovingCastle, Nausicaa, SpiritedAway.... REALLY can't wait to try them out.. whahahaha!

- I know why I am so occupied with church work. I kinda forgotten for sometime. Today however, while walking to OLPS and taking some time to reflect, i actually had a thought. That there is 'so much to do' and so little time. If i want to see revival or be part of God's revival movement, I must do this work. That's why I do what I do. It's totally by the Grace of God. HE gives me the calling, the motivation, and the strength to get through it all.

- I thought today... that if I had only 3 months to live, or let's say, 5 months, or let's say, only 1 year, I'd be a happy person all the same - cos it will mean that I can really live life to the max doing things with a goal. Sometimes, when you get complacent, it is easy to lose sight of the goal, and live life just for the sake of living life. Get what I mean?

- I was looking at pictures of friends on facebook who visited Italy & Rome and must say the architecture is fantastic. But nothing beats Japan. I don't know why. It must be all the anime. I really wanna, dyingly wanna go there. Mai nichi, watashi wa Nihon e ikitai!!!!!!

- I think "random" is a new word in my dictionary. The latest "random-ness" rant from me is that I really HATE salt on watermelon. Don't kill the sweet taste with the salt! Same thing as I really HATE apple soup. I think it is a weird combination. Hot apples? Never!

- Ade made a skirt for me. It's a skirt with gathers but using jeans-material. So it's a bit puffy and tough. I have to figure out how to wear it seriously.. and i better not wear it when i'm feeling fat. NEvertheless, I really appreciate it.. she sewed a skirt for me! Totally hand-made! (And i used to score really well in sewing in Sec2... gosh.. but my cooking was bad!)

- I am wondering if i can survive the month of March. While jap class takes a break till May, I wanna start the art class again and Ensemble practices. What about tennis too? my regular tennis kakis have also all gone into hibernation since December. Blame it on the rainy weather which killed our fabulous routine!

- At times, I am a loner. I can survive without someone to talk to. I have the blog. AHwahaha..

- Today a rainbow was spotted in SG and covered on news. Amazing. Coz today is also Ash Wednesday. I forgot the meaning why we have "ashes" to mark our foreheads. But this one can go look up at Google lor!!

- I thank God that i managed to go for mass today. It's Ash wednesday, a special day for Catholics that marks the beginning of LENT, a 40 day period of fasting and reflection. I wonder if i am really able to 'fast' for anything at all. Maybe my goal could be to reduce watching 1 episode of anime each day, and read my book entitled "PRAYER" that I have not touched since 2007?!

- I can 't wait for the bag that Ju has posted to me... I really can't wait.. each day I am thinking.. when will it arrive all the way from BOSTON??

Lastly... before this goes on forever, let me stop here and wish everyone SHIT!! or ... "So Happy It's Thursday!!!"

Ok I wanna play word games now. TGIF is Thank God It's Friday. THIS - Thank Heaven it's Saturday. SWISS - Sunday Wasted in Sleep, Shiok... SWIM - So Wretched it's Monday. SHOT - Sianzz, How Only Tuesday (hahaa). SHOW - is Super High on Wednesday.

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