Friday, May 15

Masks, Ideals, Truth, Dreams

Today i participated in a little discussion on communication and the point on how people have masks. To this.... my reply was that it's just like the layers of the onion.... the outside is easy to show to others, but the inner areas are difficult.

Some people find it hard to show their true colours so they mask it... because they do not like their inner selves, which comprise not just weakness but negative parts, our hidden selves, sins, past hurts, buried stuff that we hide.

For me, it took God's healing touch and lots of prayer and spiritual growth to eventually be healed from within and be at peace with my SELF. Even so, I am still discovering more and more of my 'ideal' god-created being, each day. As i grow out of my earlier years where I had a lower (than present) self-esteem, confidence and joy,.... I can say that it is only God's healing touch.

People can say it is age that helps, that we "grow out" of things. But there are some things that you don't "grow out" of for years, unless there is some catalyst or something that interferes with your direction of life. It works for people's inner state of being as well!

To these, I have 2 songs to share! :)

And coincidently, this morning before waking up, I just remembered the tip of the end of my dream. It was about a floating house... with 2 boys in it... (future sons??) and as it was floating, it was supposedly a 'magical' house lah and I was trying to protect it from the outside. I assume I was the mother coz in my dream i was looking over it... (like over a map of the whole region with the flying house's position)... so funny! I could see the rooms, the boys walking around in it... etc... like a dollhouse..

Then i checked out for what it meant... is it just a funny anime-like scenario with no meaning? Well, it seems that various symbols together made some sense!

SON - To see your son in your dream, signifies your ideal, hopes, potential, and the youthful part of yourself.

Save a CHILD - To save a child, signifies your attempts to save a part of yourself from being destroyed. If you dream that you are separated from your children, then it symbolizes failure in some personal endeavor or a setback in some ideal you had.

Protection - To dream that you are protecting someone, suggests that you are putting up an emotional wall or barrier between you and others around you. Consider who or what you are protecting for clues as to what aspect of your own self you are afraid of letting out and letting others know.

Dollhouse - To see or play with a dollhouse in your dream, symbolizes your idealistic notions about family life. Alternatively, the dollhouse in your dream may serve as an indirect way to solve and work out waking problems with family members.


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