Big Ang Pows and another Busy week ahead
I am soo tired this weekend.... so so tired... i didn't even feel the long weekend. It must be the wedding gig that we did on Saturday. After the youth fellowship day (monthly now), i rushed over to the Ritz Carlton for the sound-check, and forgot file so went home to get it again. Despite the rush over the whole Fri (Rehearsal) & Sat (performance), the night was rewarding... the couple (L & D) was ever so graceful and polite, even gave us an ang-pow on top of the payment we would get. SO amazingly generous. They are a christian family, and it makes so much testimony to being a christian, by these actions. I was touched by their generosity and graciousness. No pettiness. And what a big ang-pow, that could be split by the 4 musicians - and that amount could top up my Petrol tank and last for 2 weeks! (say, around $75 per person!). That's a $75 dollar tip! I am Still SO amazed.
Anyway, will need a breather within the coming week but not sure if I can find any... my Jap test is on 6th DEC and have not touched a single of my notes.
Not only that, this Saturday I will be attending the Christ@ Work conference (not to mention there is actually my church's Family Carnival on the same 5th DEC Saturday), and Youth Canteen duty prep on Sat night, and on Sun morning there is the Canteen Duty and the JLPT test at 10am! Everything is clashing... Plus events over 12 & 13, 19 & 20 Dec.. there is really no break.
This Christmas, all I want is a quiet one, to do nothing absolutely nothing. I won't even arrange for social gatherings out... i wanna be at home... and I will play some christmas songs like Silent Night... and ask God to give me a break... ahahaaaa..
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