Elevator dream
Yesterday nite, I had a weird dream. I dreamt I was going down the elevator. I alighted at the 4th floor underground (chinese for 'death'?) - it was like descending to the underworld.
It was perpetual night here, but it was beautiful... (ironic). I wanted to take a photo.. (again??) but I thought it was no use as dark nights don't make very good photos (on digicams).
The funny thing is that in the dream, visiting the underworld is like any normal thing. Upon reaching the 4th floor (which was the visitor level) I was greeted by a receptionist (i only heard the voice), saying "welcome to the visitor level"... or something like that. Haha.
And then hey presto i was back with my secondary school friends especially Pauline & Ruby, and I really wanted to take a photo... haha... nostalgia hits again?
Then after a while I went back up in a rush because apparently you can't stay below for too long (there was a certain time limit). The end of dream.
So what does dreammoods.com (i like to check this site) say? haha..
Descending in an elevator, suggests that you are being grounded or coming back down to reality. It also signifies setbacks and misfortunes.
To dream that you are taking a picture, suggests that you need to focus more attention to some situation or relationship. Perhaps, you feel that you need to recapture some past moments in a relationship. Alternatively, taking a picture refers to your desires to hold onto a certain moment in your life.
To dream of going or living underground, indicates that you are trying to force certain thoughts and issues into your subconscious mind. You really need to confront and explore your unconscious. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are expressing a desire to go unnoticed or to lie low.
It's quite true.... I feel that I'm being back to reality and every day in the past week, been rather heavy. Drones of life, and lack of meaning and purpose hits again and I'm back to reality - the fact that I need to catch hold of my life once again and set myself right again with the right compass direction.
I reminisce old days where i'm carefree and do not have to think so much about where i'm headed. As such my old friends come into the picture and for a moment I want to take a photo of it and stay there forever.
Going underground... haha... like: xia di si di yu (4th level of hell)... It's true, these few days I want to do nothing, go unnoticed, just to get through this week... why? I dunno? NOt feeling too expressive and too excited about anything this week.
Am reminded of old song by Jamiroquai: