Friday, December 30

Metamorphosis 2005

Campus Crusade for Christ's annual 3-day retreat.

Went for 2 night sessions out of 3. And today's talk was particularly bland - i figured i knew it all. Perhaps. Head knowledge. The topic was --- freedom from fear.

Then came the prayer part. The worship team led us to reflect on the fears we had.. and i was thinking, Lord, tell me what are mine? i know they're there but i just can't put a finger to what exactly it is.

Then i remembered 3 fears. and 3 instances in my life, that got me reflecting. After this, we were called to give up these fears and not to hold onto them any longer but give it up to Jesus. So i did that.

And back home now.. not feeling much different, but i know that in time to come, God will transform and renew my mind! Amen!

Here's a very nice verse to show how Great God's love is:

From the book of Wisdom of Solomon 11:21 - 26
"You can show your great power any time you wish, and no one can stand up against it. In your sight, the whole world is a grain of sand, barely heavy enough to tip a pair of scales, a drop of dew on the ground in the morning. You are powerful enough to do anything, but you are merciful to everyone; you overlook our sins and give us time to repent. (THANK YOU LORD!)

You love everything that exists; you do not despise anything that you have made. If you had not liked it, you would not have made it in the first place. How could anything last, if you did not want it to? How could it endure, if you had not created it? You have allowed it all to exist O Lord, because it is yours, and you love every living thing."

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