Wednesday, February 15

Saber & the Invisible Sword!


If you ask me what is a cool girl... i'd say -- SABER! from the anime called 'Fate/Stay Night'. Ok i haven't watched enough of the anime to tell you what SABER is really like.. but all i can say is she's the most powerful and carries an invisible sword... which leads me to think.. (read next)


Okay as you might know, I like to relate everything to God. And amazingly, I have found that everything and anything can be RE-told in a way that glorifies God. And so for example Saber's invisible sword - isn't it JUST LIKE the WORD OF GOD? The word of God is a spiritual sword (not literal, but 'invisible') that we use in fighting things like temptations, sin, and negative thoughts... "For the Word of God is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword." (Hebrews 4:12). Haha.. trust me to think of it this way.


Meanwhile.. once again i come to the list of things to do.. they're amazingly overwhelming this week...
- Read the pile of stuff i have on my desk - piling up
- try out daddy's guitar chord book of more advanced chords
- get that diet going
- get the Sun morning driving and cooking going..
- Sleep earlier, drink more water, eat more fruits.. the list of health concerns goes on
- enquire about golf and begin planning for lessons for 3 of us: Me, pauline, ruby (not to mention that we're all rather busy people)
- do up the saccre youth card & website
- olps e-newsletter which i seem all so wacked up about..
- at work: figure out how to be more assertive
- at work again: figure out how to be more efficient.. geesh!
- at work once again: be more diligent!!! show some results!!! JEESE! I'm pissed that I seem so normal. Then again.. is that ok or what? I freek out at the thought that people can get fired at anytime.. and that's a constant fear. DO i simply need more reassurance? ;)
- yam website.. one of my last on the list of to-dos for now.
- Oh wait - last is probably wakeboarding.. the forever wanted to do but still haven't gone.

Now there.. the only way through this all is a healthy mind, healthy body, and healthy spirit!

Now then.. God help me..

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