Sunday, March 26

Love isn't Love till it's given away

We had a beautiful Youth Mass at church last Sat. When Father Luke stood up saying how he felt that this Youth Mass was particularly different, that he could feel God's love ever so present and that he could see the faces of the youths kinda 'light' up after receiving the holy communion, I felt so touched that I was almost gonna shed tears!!!! This is the thing that drives me on - the passion - for revival in the catholic church. It's not something impossible. But it's only impossible when we fail to have faith - and fail to believe the power of God's hand in moving the mountains before us.

Next - I am appalled. Today i mentioned a particular topic - "The power of obedience to God" and my hearers seemed to not understand what I was talking about. And yet, to me - this is absolute basic in spiritual life - living in the Spirit. To live in the Spirit - we have to listen to God - and therefore, we must attune our spirits to the HOLY Spirit not the ways of the world. To live in the Spirit means putting down our fleshly selves, desires, wants, logical reasons, and to yield to God. For example if I am angry about something - i'll feel i have a right to yell back at the person. But God says, if a person gives you a slap, turn the cheek and give the other. Jesus did not retaliate even on the cross. What makes me think i have the right to shout back another insult at another person simply because i was assaulted? Common world logic will say - you need to assert yourself and you can't be trampled. But God says otherwise. Tell me, how should we live?

So then.. i've come to believe even more in my passion and the mission that God has set forth before us. Come on. Simple topic like "OBEDIENCE" to God - and people in church don't even seem to ever have reflected on it. Or think it's a very cheem topic for the holy ones. Come on. it's for every single believer - That is the mandate of God. If we love Him, we will obey His commands. "For our love of God means we obey his commands and his commands are not too hard for us, because every child of God is able to defeat the world." (1 John 5:3)

"If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God. The world cannot receive him, because it cannot see him or know him. But you know him, because he remains with you and is in you." John 14:13-17

Looks like i'Ve got to slow down even more to make my point heard.

View my reflection on Living in Spirit & Truth

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