Thursday, June 8

Service - What is it?

When I wonder how I got involved in the whole youth ministry & its works thing.., I just wonder. No sane person would want to do all these things lor... but not to say that I'm insane or weird. I just think that perhaps, I felt more obligated to serve in church. Why? Because i was truly touched in 1999. I truly recognised that Jesus is Lord and Creator of the whole Earth, and that he is my God! I worship Him, not other things.

And so that makes me truly happy.

That's why i serve.

Thinking along this line, I also thought about how our passion for service flares and wanes. It's like the typical seasons of the year. So then... these are the things i thought about:

-- We always think we ought to serve in an area we are comfortable in, but sometimes God calls us out of that comfort area.

-- We need to remember always that we are not serving ourselves. Therefore, if we are the best person for a particular area of service (e.g. natural inclination to those service areas and natural talents in that area) but we don't want to serve because it will be difficult for us, not fun, not enjoyable, not so 'beneficial', we may not be rightly appropriating our talents. We may have been searching to be served - rather than to serve.

-- We may underestimate the whole thing about serving the Lord. We may think that service is our own choice (depending on whether we are free, or able) when ultimately it is the way through which God is able to grow us and help us reach greater depths and heights. So therefore, service is not dependant on our schedule, or our ability. It is God working through us. Without service, we are not serving God. We are basically still followers, waiting to be fed.

-- To serve, we must take a risk and 'dive in'.

-- Happiness, Sadness, Stress, Tiredness are part of the challenges that come during serving others. It's normal, and ok. So we need to pray not to be void of those, but to be able to rise up again and devote better service to the Lord.

On a sidenote.. other interesting snippets of my life:

- Finally watched Over the Hedge. Also watched She's The Man (which is REALLY Funny)
- I just splurged lots of $$$ at Esprit the other day.. oops!! Blame it on the really good salesgirl
- I have choco cravings! ahhh!
- Its been a really really really really busy week.. juggling so many things like.. olps orchestra string practices & admin, planning for SACCRE Youth Open house & intercessory this Sat, Liaising to set up the OLPS Youth Forum, and (to do next) OLive Notes (olps) June's E-news issue, and Personal website lobang, Getting the scores for wedding lobang for string quartet (it's not that easy after all!) well as arranging to practice with String Trio (elaine & claire)... aiyoh.. crazeee!
- Thirdly,.. i found another thing i wanna do.. actually i always wanted to do it but just happened to talk with a colleague recently and i remembered - it is OIL PAINTING~~~ :) Too many too many eh! hehehe..

Finally, busy and tired.. but mildly happy. Very content. ONLY very disturbed by a dream last night on how a friend of mine asked me to go somewhere - just me and him! But in reality, i think it won't happen. Talk about your subconscious revealing to you your hidden wishes.. ahaha!!!

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