Whom do I trust? for the trusting.. whom do we trust?
why do doctors say it's all just the hormones and not what you eat or put on your face.. and why do facial ladies insist its all about the products you use and the food you eat? whom do we believe? the facial ladies - who are simply out to make a quick buck? or the doctors - who's antibiotics doesn't seem all too healthy for the long run? we can be skeptical about the doctors - but willing to pay loads of money for the facial people.. and what about the spirituals who say God heals and we don't have to rely on antibiotics, or expensive facials so we can just throw away those stuff and exercise our faith. I have tried everything. but i believe i gave up halfway for each time. why? because no one believes in it. i try one thing... it doesn't work, change. Change. Change. change. how many treatments have I tried? all not lasting more than a year? once a year. Yup. since god knows when. I'm just so frustrated.
Heya heya sam! i know what you mean.. I suspect maybe something called exercise can solve all your problems. but his form of medication is for LIFE! No more changes! =ppp Pau
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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